
Kelley worked for the Salvation Army for three years, in this time period she managed the Salvation Army Family Emergency Shelter including the management of the shelter employees, processing the clients of the shelter on a daily basis, and the associated reporting to upper management. Her other duties included assisting with the organization of the Christmas program for two years for over 1000 needy families with children.

As a student at Truckee Meadows Community College started an internship with the Federal Aviation Administration as a clerk. Her knowledge, skills, and willingness to accept new challenges saw her quickly hired full time, starting her rapid rise to the position of a computer professional as a computer specialist.

While attending University of Nevada Reno pursuing a Computer Information systems Bachelors degree, she received a solid grounding in corporate business practices as it related to information systems. She became a member of Beta Gamma Sigma (a business Honors organization).

She continues her education and on her own time she manages several projects for small non-profit organizations.

Her interests include camping, hiking, bicycling and photography. She is always looking for ways to improve her photography skills.